International Gulan (Bat) Night 2024: A Resounding Success in Port Macquarie-Hastings

Four women wearing navy blue uniforms are standing side by side, smiling at the camera. They are holding signs with animal-themed illustrations and text. The background features a forest scene with cutouts of animals hanging from trees, creating a nature-inspired setting.

The International Bat Night 2024, hosted by Charles Sturt University- Port Macquarie, was a resounding success, marking the first time the event was hosted in Port Macquarie.

The event was held in collaboration with groups such as FAWNA, Forestry, National Parks, The Nature School and Port Macquarie Sunrise Rotary. With over 200 guests attending, the event highlighted the community’s enthusiasm for microbats and flying foxes, and their vital role in the ecosystem.

Guests had the opportunity to learn about the importance of bats through educational activities, storytelling, weaving, and guided bat-detecting tours. The event aimed to raise awareness of the ecological benefits bats provide, such as pest control and pollination, and underscored the need for their conservation. 

Our Education and Natural Resources Teams from the Port Macquarie-Hastings Council were invited to attend the event and host a pop-up stall. In line with our Kooloonbung Creek Flying Fox Camp Management Plan, we provided educational resources that emphasise the importance of flying foxes.

Community members were thrilled to join Frankie’s Fan Club, our flying fox awareness campaign, and were delighted by a special guest appearance from Frankie the Flying Fox, herself, who flew in from the Sunshine Coast Council.

The strong turnout reflects the Port Macquarie-Hastings community’s deep interest in and commitment to its local wildlife. Organisers are hopeful that this event will inspire ongoing efforts to protect and celebrate bat populations in the region.


A large bat mascot stands with its wings open, flanked by two smiling children. The girl on the left wears floral overalls, and the boy on the right wears a yellow shirt and hoodie. Both are holding booklets. They are outside with red pillars and trees in the background.
'Frankie the Flying Fox' mascot, courtesy of Sunshine Coast Council
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