Motorcycle Accident Management Training

About the Event

On Saturday 4th March Council will be hosting two subsidised Motorcycle Accident Management Training sessions. Supported by funding from Transport for NSW the course is being run by qualified trainers from First Aid for Motorcyclists. Participants will learn vital knowledge and skills needed to provide an effective response to motorcycle accidents, as well as tips to keep them safe when riding.

Following our successful “Joe Rider” campaign we are continuing to advocate for motorcycle safety in our community. Motorcycle riders are vulnerable road users being more exposed to serious injury when riding. Making up only 4% of registered vehicles in NSW, motorcycles account for 21% of all road fatalities and 12% of all road injuries. In Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA between 2017-2021 motorcyclists accounted for 13.4% of all road casualties in the area.

This Motorcycle Accident Management Training will provide riders with useful tips to reduce their risk of an accident as well as provide them with the skills and confidence to assist fellow riders in the event of a crash. The course is fast paced and interactive offering hands on approach where participants can learn how to safely manage an accident scene, provide first aid to injured riders, when and how to move a casualty in danger and how to perform emergency helmet removal.

Cost and Booking

The course normally costs $95 but subsidised this event will cost only $35 which includes a first aid kit. The course will be held at Port Macquarie Race Club on Saturday 4th March with two 5 hour sessions available for participants to choose from. One morning session from 8am-1pm and one afternoon session from 1.30pm to 6.30pm, with spots in each session limited to 25 people.

Bookings can be made via the First Aid for Motorcyclists website; simply click the Port Macquarie event under the New South Wales section.

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Booking Enquiry Form

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