Foambark Tree (Jagera pseudorhus) grows into a medium sized tree and is found growing naturally in subtropical, dry and littoral rainforest and in wet eucalypt forest.

Common in the Council bushland reserves including Kooloonbung Creek Nature Park many young foambark trees can be seen regenerating.
It is a beautiful tree and when grown in the open has a dense crown of bright green compound leaves with flushes of apricot pink new growth while mature trees have attractive smooth mottled bark. On the richer volcanic soils around Port Macquarie, it grows fairly rapidly. Bunches of small flowers in Autumn are followed by yellowish brown fruit capsules which ripen between August and November but may be apparent at other times of the year. The capsules have irritating hairs so should be handled with gloves.
Landcare nursery
Foambark Tree is regularly available at the Landcare Nursery and is highly recommended as a feature garden tree and for rainforest regeneration projects.
Learn more about the nursery at