The Hairy Rosewood (Dysoxylum rufum), cousin to July's native plant of the month, the Rosewood, is a part of the Red Cedar (Meliaceae) family.
The Hairy Rosewood has large leaves with 9 to 23 leaflets. Mature trees have grey bark, blotched with white and with quite an appealing appearance. Fragrant white tubular flowers in summer are followed by hairy yellow capsules, which can cause irritation when handled. Young plants need a frost-free protected and well-drained site in part shade.
This native plant is an attractive shade tree growing to 20m tall in open situations. In its subtropical rainforest habitat, the tree can grow to 40 metres. Some fine specimens can be seen in Sea Acres National Park and at Boorganna Nature Reserve on the Comboyne plateau.
It is a suitable ornamental tree for large yards and parks and should certainly be included in rainforest regeneration projects on the mid north coast.
Landcare nursery
Rosewood is often available for sale at the Landcare Community Nursery.
Learn more about the nursery at