Weed of the Month: Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus species aggregate)

The October weed of the month is Rubus fruticosus - Blackberry

The October’s Weed of the Month is the notorious Blackberry. While it might be known for its delicious berries, early varieties of this plant have become one of Australia’s most invasive weeds, costing the economy over $100 million annually in control and lost production.

Blackberry can quickly dominate neglected areas like pastures, waterways, and fire trails. It spreads in disturbed bushland through the help of birds and foxes and provides shelter for pests like rabbits and foxes.

Left unmanaged, Blackberry will smother groundcover species, reduce biodiversity, and block access for native animals, livestock, and bushwalkers.

The main invasive types come from the Rubus fruticosus group, which includes at least 9 species. Identifying these varieties can be tricky, but common.

Characteristics include:

Dark green leaves

Leaves with 3-5 jagged leaflets, usually pale underneath.

Small prickles

Prickles on the leaves and larger ones along the dark-colored, arching stems.

Distinctive white or pink flowers

That produce berries turning from red to black, with each berry containing 20-30 seeds.

Other Rubus weeds in the North Coast include Giant bramble and White stem blackberry. However, we also have native Rubus species, commonly known as Native raspberries, so it’s important to contact the Council’s Biosecurity Officer for proper identification.

If you’re considering growing Blackberry, thornless varieties are available for cultivation, but be cautious when purchasing from online sellers or backyard traders. For more detailed information on invasive Rubus species, refer to NSW WeedWise, and always seek advice from the Biosecurity Officer if needed.

Image credit: Port Macquarie-Hastings Council & NSW WeedWise.

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