Weed of the Month September 2022 : Yellow bells

Featuring showy, yellow tubular flowers, this ornamental tree can form dense tangled thickets on roadsides, creek banks, pasture boundaries and bushland. 

Yellow bells must not be sold in this region, however existing plants continue to naturalise into the surrounding environment where it outcompetes native vegetation and overtakes grazing land and orchards.  Yellow bells can be a tree to 10m, but is often seen as a shrub 3-8m tall.  It has light grey bark, becoming woody and grooved with age.  Bright green leaflets are toothed along the edges and have a pointed tip

The bright yellow tubular flowers are arranged in clusters at the tips of branches, and often feature red lines in the throat. These form long thin pods, which split open when dry to release thousands of papery seeds which disperse in the wind.  Plants will also sucker and become multi-stemmed if damaged when young.

Yellow bells is a priority weed on the North Coast. It must be eradicated when detected but can reshoot vigorously when cut. Follow-up control is essential. It cannot be sold or traded in this region.

Further information and control options are detailed in the NSW WeedWise app, which is free to download, or on the website here: NSW WeedWise. If you find this weed on your property, Council’s Biosecurity Officer is happy to provide advice to help you bring this nasty weed under control.

Click here to find out how to report a weed.

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