Dogs out and about video series

Owning a dog can be very rewarding and enjoyable and getting out and about with our dog is a benefit to both the dog and our own health and well-being.

Why is it important to keep my dog on a leash?  Where can I find a dog friendly beach?  Are there places I can have my dog off leash?  What’s best practice when walking my dog on a shared path?  

This video series helps to share some of the tips and guidelines on where we can take our dogs and the best way to share our beautiful parks, beaches and paths with all parts of our community.

Even if your dog is well behaved, non-aggressive and friendly, it is still important, in general, to have your dog on leash when out and about in public. Situations can be unpredictable and when you do not have full control of your dog, you are at risk of an incident. Your dog may be harmed or in some cases, your dog may threaten or harm another dog, a native animal or member of the community. 

Knowing where you can take dogs, whether they can be on leash or off leash and ensuring you clean up after your dog all contributes to the protection of our environment and the safety and comfort of local residents and visitors to our region. 

Dogs out and about - video series

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