Kooloonbung Creek Camp Census Report, as at 16 August 2024 (estimate). Find previous counts along with other flying fox information on Council’s website.
The largest population of flying foxes in our region can be found at the Kooloonbung Creek Nature Reserve, where numbers can reach up to 20,000 during both autumn and spring and grow to 100,000 in summer.
Learn about Port Macquarie-Hastings Council’s adopted approach to flying-fox management – balancing the needs of residents living near the camp and the welfare and conservation of the flying-fox. Read the Kooloonbung Creek Flying Fox Camp Management Plan and download the latest Action Report.
Snippets from Frankie’s Adventures with Little Legends around our community, via our schools resource, the Flying Fox Box
Frankie’s Fan Club is an education project in response to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council’s Kooloonbung Creek Flying Fox Camp Management Plan.
Read the plan to learn more about Council’s adopted approach to flying-fox management – balancing the needs of residents living near the camp and the welfare and conservation of the flying-fox.
Complete this form to sign up to Frankie’s Fan Club updates.