Weed of the Month: Paper Mulberry

This isn’t your typical backyard mulberry tree.

Native to south-east Asia, this fast-growing deciduous tree becomes invasive in tropical and subtropical areas, particularly in sunny gaps on creeks, disturbed forests and farmland.

Paper mulberry spreads rapidly, forming dense stands that shade out native species, reducing food and habitat. It uses vast amounts of water and can block creeks. It can spread rapidly from root suckers, stem fragments or coppicing, and by seed when male and female plants are present. Birds and bats will also eat the fruit and disperse the seeds over larger areas.

Male Paper mulberry trees produce large amounts of pollen and are known to cause significant allergic reactions in areas where infestations have gotten out of hand.

A fast growing tree
Shallow grooves on paper mulberry bark Photographer Alberto Salguero Source: NSW Weedwise

Paper mulberry grows to around 12-20m high, with a large, spreading crown. It has a light-grey, smooth bark, and produces milky sap from cut stems.

Leaves are large and variable, being oval to heart-shaped, sometimes with 3-5 lobes. They are rough on the upper surface and soft below.

There are separate male and female flowers. Male flowers are cream-coloured on small spikes that hang down beneath the branches, whilst female flowers form a cluster like a small green ball to 2.5cm.

The fruit cluster forms an orange-red ball when ripe.

Report this weed to the biosecurity officer

Control can be difficult and any plants must be reported to the Biosecurity officer. Due to Paper mulberry’s ability to re-sprout from the roots, chemical control is often more effective than physical removal. Consult your weeds officer for advice on removal. Further details can be found here: NSW WeedWise

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