Keep Koalas Safe: Pool Safety

Keep Your Pool Koala-Safe

Our furry friends are fantastic climbers but the slippery walls of swimming pools are no match. If koalas fall into a swimming pool, they may struggle to get out, especially if there’s no assisted ways for them to exit.

Here are some tips on how to prepare your pool for koala safety, and some koala-friendly considerations when building a new pool.

Plan an escape route.


If the worst happens, and a koala falls into your pool, you want to ensure you have a planned exit route for the koala.

Marine rope or nylon battle rope are both great options, and for best preparation, consider attaching a flotation safety device to the end of the rope.

You can purchase marine rope locally and it is readily available online.

Click here for an easy-to-follow installation guide.

Pool fencing and surrounds play an important role in protecting koalas from pools.

Koalas will easily climb timber fences, or fences with timber poles. They also climb slated fences (whether it’s a timber design or steel, etc). Consider the type of design and how it may impact wildlife.

We recommend you install compliant pool fencing that is also koala proof such as:

  1. Glass fencing
  2. Perspex fencing
  3. Steel fencing (without slates)

And finally, our third tip to keep koala’s and other wildlife out of your swimming pool is to invest in a fitted cover for your pool

This has the added benefits of keeping your pool clean and warm during the cooler months, but it also deters persistent koalas who are looking for a drink.

Fitted pool covers are best, to ensure no gaps around the edge of your pool.

If you are building or planning a new pool for your home, we have one more consideration before you start building.

Consider choosing a pool design with a lagoon-style access and rocks or vegetation that a koala could reasonably access and use to climb out.

This could be a rock formation next to the pool, pool decking, or a resort-style lagoon pool design. And that’s it! 

Now you are a ‘koala-fied’ pool safety expert.

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