Look out before you step out.
Highly visible pavement markings have been installed at a number of pedestrian crossings throughout the local government area. These markings help to remind pedestrians to take extra care when crossing the road.
Each year approximately 1000 pedestrians are hit on NSW roads*. Pedestrians are an extremely vulnerable group of road users as they have no protection if they are involved in a crash. Our new pavement markings aim to remind pedestrians that no matter how familiar they are with a road, everyone should take extra care to “look out before you step out”.
Drivers and riders are also reminded of their role in pedestrian safety. By scanning the road ahead and slowing down for pedestrians, we can all stay safe on and around roads.
*Transport for NSW – Centre for Road Safety

Tips for Pedestrians
- No matter where you are crossing, stop a safe distance from the road and check for approaching vehicles in all directions.
- Remove distractions such as mobile phones.
- Remove headphones so you can hear approaching vehicles.
- Avoid crossing between parked cars, or at the front or back of buses and large vehicles.
- Avoid crossing at the crest of a hill or a bend making it difficult to see or be seen by approaching cars.
- Don’t assume an approaching vehicle has seen you.
Tips for Drivers
- Slow down
- Take extra care around high pedestrian areas such as shopping centres, beaches, parks, and hospitals.
- Be mindful that children are difficult to see and may act unpredictably.
- Be mindful that vulnerable pedestrians may need extra time to cross.
- Be aware that pedestrians are hard to see at night and in poor conditions.
- Don’t assume that a pedestrian has seen you and will wait to cross.
- Avoid parking close to crossings and obey “no parking” signs to give pedestrians and drivers a clear view.