One of the biggest threats to our koala population is vehicle road strikes
Our region has one of the largest koala populations in Australia and we are lucky to share our home with this iconic and unique animal. The large koala population requires careful management. Port Macquarie Hastings Council works with government and other organisations to protect the koala population and maintain the biodiversity of our region. Our Koala Recovery Strategy and Koala Plans of Management aim to ensure the growth of our region is balanced with the protection of the koalas in our area.
Outside of habitat loss two of the biggest threats koalas are road strike and dog attacks. Residents and visitors to our region can help to reduce these threats.
Make your pledge today
Take our local koala aware road safety pledge to make your promise to be alert and aware when driving on our roads to ensure we keep koalas and wildlife safe.
Receive your free pledge pack as a reminder of your pledge to ‘drive with care, be koala aware‘.
Addressing road strike
As a result of diminishing habitat and the construction of roads and highways around koala populations, koalas are at high risk of being hit by vehicles. There have been 26 recorded koala road strikes in the PMHC local government area in the first half of 2023 alone. In 2022, the Koala was officially listed as an endangered species. Apart from disease, koalas being hit by motor vehicles is one of the main reasons for admission to the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital.
The Koala Road Strike Guidance Report for Future Road Projects – Port Macquarie Hastings LGA provides recommendations and strategies that can be implemented prior to, during and post construction of future road projects undertaken by Council and private developers. The aims of this document are to inform design, consultation, planning, environmental assessment, construction and monitoring activities to help mitigate the occurrence of koala road strikes.
Launch of a local pledge to help reduce koala road strike
In May this year, we teamed up with The Hello Koala Sculpture Trail during National Road Safety Week to put a spotlight on driver behaviours. Twenty of the Hello Koalas donned a yellow ribbon (the national symbol for road safety) to share the message to drive safely to protect other people and our wildlife. The week launched our local pledge to “drive with care, be koala aware“. Beyond National Road Safety Week, we encourage residents and tourists to take the pledge. Everyone who makes the pledge is eligible to receive a pledge pack as a reminder of the pledge and to promote the message on to friends and family!
How can you help everyday?
The safe actions we take while driving to keep people safe are just as important to protect our wildlife. This includes:
- driving to the speed limit
- taking note of road signs
- not driving tired or under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- removing distractions including mobile phones
- keeping a look out for wildlife that may be crossing the road in search of food, mates or new habitats, especially when driving in areas close to vegetation and at dawn and dusk.
Take the pledge to ‘Drive with Care, Be Koala Aware’ and spread the word!
24 hour Koala Rescue Hotline
02 6584 1522
If you do have an incident with a koala when driving, or spot a sick or injured koala,
please report it to the hotline as soon as safely possible so it has the best chance of survival.